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Headspring Report


  • The impact of the Covid-19 crisis on the workplace: the new normal
  • Employee and organization preferences on returning to the workplace or work remotely
  • Scenarios and key strategies leaders can deploy to help with the transition
  • Common “no-regret” actions leaders need to invest in for the workplace
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Our research

The workplace of the future. What employees want and how business might react.

In conducting this research, Headspring has complemented field interviews from business leaders and HR professionals. The goal was to understand whether the forced experience of virtual working would impact the way we work in the future. We targeted senior leaders: those who make decisions on the organizational architecture and have the biggest say in where to go from here.

The workplace of the future

Preferences on returning to the workplace or continuing to work remotely.

Guiding Principles

Discover the actions leaders need to invest in for the workplace.

Looking ahead

Discover the actions leaders need to invest in for the workplace.

working from home professional

About our Research

Our dataset is comprised of 482 analyzable responses. The sample characteristics includes over 60% of participants being members of senior management or c-level.

“People” people: The great majority of research participants (70%) work in HR-related functions, including Learning and Talent Development.

Key Industries The covid-19 crisis affected businesses across all major sectors, some positively others negatively. However, the impact has undoubtedly has been felt by everyone. Our research cover all major industries, including the following ones: Pharma, Business Services, FMCG, Financial Services, Tech.

Regions: While we have seen significant differences in the level of success with which each country have dealt with the crisis, no region was immune to the impact of the pandemic. We spoke with professionals from North America, Europe and Australia.

Company Size: While the size of the company plays a role, our research identified that the existence and the absence of good processes are key in the success of remote work.

Key Findings

Shaping the new workplace

of participants believe that employees will be more likely to truly embrace remote work after the crisis
of participants believe that senior leadership will be supportive of adopting remote work as a long term model
We identified four scenarios that are likely to emerge based on differences of opinion between organisations and employees

Expertise and Experience

We bring a unique blend of business insight, expertise, business acumen, leading academic faculty and a global network of educators.

Angela Lane

Angela is a senior executive with more than 25 years of experience leading global Human Resource functions. Angela has led transformational change of the talent landscape across a range of Fortune 250 companies, by equipping leaders with practical tools, steeped in the science of high performance. Her recent book, ‘FairTalk: Three Steps to Powerful Feedback,’ provides an accessible framework to enable leaders to drive performance through feedback.

Sergey Gorbatov

Dr. Sergey Gorbatov teaches, speaks, researches, and writes about the complex sciences of leadership, organizational behaviour and human resources, while making it simple. Outside of academia, Sergey is Director, Talent Management at AbbVie, a Fortune 100 company. In this role, Sergey leads and supports an incredibly talented team of professionals who are responsible for the talent management portfolio across the world.


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